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Herman BELLE - 1888-1985 door Dr. Jean BELLE
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Facebook group Afstammelingen van  Sander Bell-Belle

 BELL, Jacob

 Sosa: 704: Generatie IX

  Joannes Jacobsz BELL (1662-1750)  Johannes Petrus BELLE (1721-1782)  Jacobus Hubertus BELLE (1760-1830)  Joannes Jacobus BELLE (1799-1860)  Johannes Jacobus BELLE (1827-1887)  Martha Josepha BELLE (1857-1915)  Violetta Martha Frederique AHRENS (1896-1945)  Casper Léon Eugène GIRARD (1918-1980)

Laatste bijwerking: 2023-03-18 15:25:21

Vader:Sander BELL  
Moeder:Jenneken CORRE  
Geboren: 1643-06-14 Nederland, Grave (Noord-Brabant)
Gestorven: ≈ 1669 Nederland, Grave (Noord-Brabant)
Leeftijd:26jaar 1maand 13dagen
BeroepSoldaat onder de compagnie van Cap. Graham

1Jenneke MOËR  
Geboren: 1640≈ Grave (Noord-Brabant) Nederland
Overleden:1720≈ Grave (Noord-Brabant) Nederland
Grave (Noord-Brabant) 1661-09-18 Huwelijk
Leeftijd bruidegom: 18jaar 3maanden 4dagen
Leeftijd bruid: 21jaar 3maanden 17dagen
Duur huwelijk: 7jaar 3maanden 14dagen (tot 1669)

1Joannes Jacobsz BELL (1662 Nederland-≈1750 Nederland)  13  Jenneke MUIR
2Sara BELL (1665 Nederland- Nederland) Jenneke MUIR
Totaal Kleinkinderen:13






Jacob, wordt in doopakte Jacop genoemd.
Hij was soldaat in het Schotse regiment te Grave onder
capt. Henry Graham.ir 602a

Bell Jacob
-Ged. 9-1-1639 Grave
-Soldaat onder capt Henry Graham te Grave in 18-9-1661


Onduidelijkheid over ouders.
Hij kan de zoon zijn van Soldaat Jacob Bell en Jenneken Willerms
Moër-Muijr, gedoopt Grave 17-9-1662....
hij is geboren omgeving Dülken als zoon van Joannes Wilhelmus Bellen en ene Anna Catharina.

Jacob Bell, geboren in 06-1643 in Grave. Hij is gedoopt op zondag 14-06-1643 in Grave. Jacob is overleden.
Hij trouwde, 18 jaar oud, op zondag 18-09-1661 in Grave met de 25 of 26-jarige
Jenneken Willems Moer, geboren in 1635 in Grave. Jenneken is overleden vóór 1720 in Grave, ten hoogste 85 jaar oud.
Mathias Janssen, geboren omstreeks 1650. Mathias is overleden.
Hij trouwde, ongeveer 24 jaar oud, op zondag 23-09-1674 in Heinsberg (Duitsland) met de ongeveer 24-jarige
Isabella Ditzeler, geboren omstreeks 1650. Isabella is overleden.


volgens https://gw.geneanet.org/johnboers?lang=nl&pz=jip+johan&nz=belle&p=jacobus&n=bell

Geboren op 9 januari 1639 - Grave
Overleden in 1669 - Grave , leeftijd bij overlijden: 30 jaar oud
Gehuwd op 18 september 1661, Grave, met Jenneken Muijr 1635- (zie notitie) en hun kinderen

M Johannes Bell 1662-
V Sarah Bell

Mogelijk was het deze Henry Graham...

Murray's regiment of the Scots Brigade

2 Henry Graham's regiment
2.1 Henry Graham becomes colonel
On 8 February 1673 Henry Graham became lieutenant-colonel of the regiment2. In April 1673 Walter Scot resigned due to old age and was succeeded by his lieutenant-colonel Henry Graham3. In researching primary sources for Henry Graham as colonel in the next years, the regiment then seems very absent. There are however multiple mentions of a Colonel 'Grim'. The fact that Graham was designated as 'Grim' becomes apparent in the next actions of the regiment.

2.2 Fight at Kloosterziel
In July 1673 'Prince Maurits of Nassau'4 made a plan to re-capture Zwartsluis. The operation started by concentrating troops near Blokzijl. On 20 July 1673 Colonel Grim's regiment arrived in time on the Hasseltse Dijk near Kloosterzijl (between Hasselt and Zwartsluis). His orders were to entrench himself there and thus to prevent the French from marching re-inforcements to Zwartsluis, north ot the regiment's position.

Between 4 and 5 in the morning the regiment's position at Kloosterziel was fiercely attacked by the French, who were repulsed thrice. The enemy then brought up 6 guns and a mortar and finally the regiment was chased from its position. The attacking regiments were stated to be those of Chamilly, Comte de Seaus and Bourgogne. Colonel Grim, his lieutenant-colonel and several captains were taken prisoner, Captain Asquin and several lieutenants killed, and about 150 soldiers were killed or wounded5. We then have have to look at the information the Hollandsche Mercurius added. Three captains: 'Sandelandt', 'Afquin' and another, as well as three lieutenants and an ensign were killed6. Captain Sandelandt and Captain Afquin (Erskine) are names of officers of the Scottish regiments in service of the States General. In fact Colonel Erskine and Lieutenant-colonel Sandelandt were in the third Scottish regiment that had been in Maastricht till 30 june 1673, and would later become a Dutch regiment7.
It required some effort,
but now we can trace the regiments actions by looking for what Colonel Grim's regiment did next.
2.3 Conquest of Île de Noirmoutier
Noirmoutier Castle
Noirmoutier Castle on Île de Noirmoutier
was captured by the regiment in 1674
In May 1674 the Dutch fleet of 66 ships of war was assembled and Grim's regiment, 7 others and 62 companies embarked under Count Willem van Hoorn8. This fleet under Michiel de Ruijter sailed from the Wielingen on 24 May, reached Dunkirk on the 26th and Dover on the 27th9. It then continued cruising in the Channel and anchored in Torbay on 8 June. In the evening of 8 June a squadron under De Ruijter left for the West Indies.

The main part of the fleet consisted of about 36 ships under Tromp and left Torbay on 18 June. It sailed to Ouessant and reached Belle-Île on the 23rd. On the 23rd a general order for the landing on Belle-Île was given, in which Colonel Graham's regiment was mentioned as marked with a Blue flag10. On 27 June the troops actually landed on Belle-Île and camped at Sauzon. After plundering some life-stock the troops re-embarked on 30 June, without having taken the fortress.

On 2 July 1674 the fleet sailed again and reached Île de Noirmoutier on the 3rd. On 4 July the troops landed and took the island. From this basis the fleet then continued operations against French Merchant ships and fisheries. The fleet left Noirmoutier on the 23rd and arrived before San Sebastián on 31 July. On 8 July Tromps squadron with the soldiers left the fleet in order to sail to Cadiz. On 7 september it left there and continued to Barcelona and reached the Golf de Roses on 2 October. The fleet then returned and reached Cap Saint Vincent on 5 November. The first of its ships that reached Holland did so in early December. In December 1674 there is also a curious remark about the 90 English and Scots companies being formed in 3 regiments; 2 English and 1 Scots, one of these formed by Colonel Smith11.

2.4 Battle of Cassel
In late August 1675 Grim's regiment was in Halle, and because it was warned that De Montmorenci wanted to attack it, it retired to Brussel, arriving there on 2 September12. For 1676 I did not find any particulars of the regiment. There is a 1676 list of officers of the regiment then paid by Gelderland: Col. Henry Graham; Lt-col John Lamy; St-maj. Geo. Canocke; Alexander Colyear; Pieter Watkin; Jacques de Champfleury; Johan Abrahal13. On 11 April 1677 it participated in the Battle of Cassel. Here it lost Colonel Grim; Captain Brus (Bruce?); Lt. Witterhorst; ensign Kinnegem and the adjudant killed. Cap-lt Voet was missing and Lt. Cloutier was wounded14.

Grave (Noord-Brabant) 1643:

Grave (Noord-Brabant) 1661-09-18:

Curriculum Vitae
0 jaar Isaac Newton wordt geboren. Een Engelse natuurkundige, wiskundige, astronoom, natuurfilosoof, alchemist, officieel muntmeester en theoloog. 1643
0 jaargeboorteJacob BELL  1643-06-14Grave (Noord–Brabant)
5 jaar Met de Vrede van Munster komt een einde aan de Tachtigjarige Oorlog. 1648
11 jaar Otto von Guericke ontwikkelt de Maagdenburger halve bollen (vacuümtechniek) 1654
17 jaar Steeds meer Hugenoten besloten Frankrijk te ontvluchten. 1660
17 jaaroverlijden vaderSander BELL  1660
18 jaarhuwelijk ondertrouw datum 1661–09–18Jenneke MOËR  1661-09-18Grave (Noord–Brabant)
19 jaargeboorte zoonJoannes Jacobsz BELL  1662-09-17Grave (Noord–Brabant)
20 jaar Guillaume Amontons (1663–1705) een Franse instrumentenuitvinder en natuurkundige. Hij verbeterde de barometer, de hygrometer en de thermometer, en ontdekte de druk–temperatuur gaswet. 1663
22 jaargeboorte dochterSara BELL 1665-04-25Grave (Noord–Brabant)
24 jaar New York wordt in Breda verkwanseld aan de Britten. 1667
26 jaaroverlijdenJacob BELL  1669Grave (Noord–Brabant)

Eventuele ingekleurde foto's: MyHeritage.nl

Eventuele afbeeldingen/teksten: Wikipedia

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